Sunday, September 12, 2010

Man Bites Dog: Or, VB learns a hard lesson about principles in porn

Violet Blue tweeted on Saturday: "Bad night. Discovered that companies that were friends, who I've done promo for, are selling porn 'starring' me. It's NOT me. It's not okay."

But V, I thought you were a friend to the porn industry and its stars. So why does that tweet smack of a condescending "not that there's anything wrong with that" attitude toward pornstariness? (Or is that residual anger from the case of the porn star who "stole"and besmirched your good name?) And I thought that certain hip and cool porn companies were your friends, your buddies, your pals. I thought that those "good" porn producers--your so-called friends--were sexual freedom fighters, breaking down the oppressive hegemonic depictions of sexuality and...

Oh, wait, some porn producers--even some of the cool ones-- might just want to make money? They betrayed a "friend" to help their cause? Porn might NOT be an awesomely liberatory force, as some pro-porn feminists might suggest? Porn companies might, in fact, place greed ahead of good?

Isn't that basically what I've been saying all along?

Even the "coolest" and most outspoken pro-porn feminist on the Web can get bitten in the ass by the business of porn.